GLOBAL UNIVERSAL PLATFORM-Blockchain Representative 

About Billcrypt

We create a global decentralized global platform BILLCRYPT pl.

This is a multifunctional Blockchain integration system from company representative offices, professional communities, specialists and products.

Blockchain (BR) representations are made by users in the form of decentralized applications (DApp) on the blockchain with a convenient interface.

On a platform basis, interblockchain infrastructure of technological and economic properties is being built, uniting blockchain projects and real sector projects.

Such a comfortable environment will enable everyone to create their own BR, forming a unified, integrated belief system.

This will direct the development of any business to an unprecedented level.

Investment property that is embedded in the system will allow you to develop your business most effectively, build profitable partnerships and promote each other economically. Because of the synergy effect, get multiple benefits.

For investors, this will be the most easily understood and illustrative structure, which makes it possible, by viewing Virtual Images (Virtual Image Part - ViP), to quickly and reliably evaluate the business represented, and make profitable investment decisions.

For ordinary users, this will be the easiest and most reliable way to choose a specialist, service, product.

For the effective functioning of all potential platforms and investment ecosystems, a new generation of universal digital assets has been created - BILLCRYPT Evolutionary Token from the ERC-20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain.


storage of digital asset values,

a special club card that provides access to the Blockchain representative office and project functions,

some sort of ticket to enter closed pre-sales from a system project,

internal digital currency to pay for the Blockchain representative office where you can also obtain new crypto assets in the form of other project tokens. Each of these tokens, in turn, also gives significant privileges to holders and users, and increases their well-being.

Constant platform development, growing popularity of the Blockchain representative office, increasing demand for tokens, giving Billcrypt evolutionary property and making it an indispensable financial tool.


Token: Billcrypt

Ticker: BILC

1BILC = 1 $

Pre-sale price of 1BILC = 0.75 $

34% bonus

To participate in public Pre-Sales

min 20 000 BILC

min 100 ETH

(BILC amount at the ETH level at the time of payment)



Standard Utility of the Privileged Token ERC20.

Valuable decentralized digital assets that are protected by smart contract codes on the Ethereum blockchain.

Е revolutionary digital financial assets

Infrastructure crypto project

Access to project features

Club Card Properties


Public Pre-Sales participants receive a bigger bonus

Secure your special conditions and place of participants in the next TokenSale (ITO).


To enter the participant Whitelist.

Whitelist can participate as an equivalent institutional investor


min 100 ETH

(BILC amount at the ETH level at the time of payment)

min 20 000 BILC

Only 3 days will be available to buy any amount.

Date will be announced in addition. Only registered members

Built on Ethereum

Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based Turing-complete computing platform that can run Smart Contracts.

Smart Contracts are applications that run exactly as programmed without the possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Billcrypt applies open source standards and an open source reference architecture.

BILLCRYPT ITO (Initial Token Offer)

ITO BILLCRYPT participants truly create history, promote the realization of the concept of innovation and the development of the latest technology.

The funds raised from the sale of BILC Tokens, through ITO, will be used to finance the creation and development of the BILLCRYPT ecosystem over the next 5 years.


In the initial pre-sale stage at the writing date of this version of the White Paper, the initial investor is converted to BILLCRYPT 7 775 981 USD

SALE TOKEN July 3 - September 30 2019, or when you reach Hard cap

ITO price - 1 BILC = 1 USD = 0.005 ETH

Soft cup = 10 000 000 USD = 50 000 ETH

Hard cup = 80 000 000 USD = 400 000 ETH

44% of issues = 66,880,000 BILC will be available for sale at ITO


In the shortest time possible after the BILC Tokensale will be traded on the Stock Market. Extensive use / BILC will increase its value and, therefore, will make it an excellent tool for investment.

Use of funds

25% - development

25% - marketing

15% - stabilization fund

15% - scaling

10% - team

 5% - legal

 5% - administrative costs



The idea to create an integrated multifunction blockchain platform for existing companies, investment projects and investors.


Concept formation;

Technology, tasks, solutions.

Q2 2018

Project development, economic system and security system;

Negotiations and agreement conclusions with the project

partners, current participants from the investment group;

Writing Smart Contracts for BILLCRYPT Tokens;

Prepare for pre-sale covered;

June 27 launch of BILLCRYPT (test version);

Start accepting applications for closed pre-sales, price of 1BILC = $ 0.5

Q3 2018

Probational period; Continue project development, economics

system and security system;

08 08 2018 BILLCRYPT edition - 152 000 000 BILC emissions

Closed pre-sale: price of 1BILC = $ 0.5

Minimum to buy 10,000 BILC = $ 5,000

Conversion of investment funds from existing (initial) investors to BILLCRYPT

Q4 2018

Ongoing work on projects and economic systems

WhitePaper v.1 development completed

Creating a project site

October 18 - starts from the final stage of closed pre-sale

Price of 1BILC = $ 0.6

Minimum to buy 10,000 BILC = $ 6,000

November 16 - open pre-sales (application acceptance)

Price of 1BILC = $ 0.75

Minimum to buy 20,000 BILC = $ 15,000

Q1 2019

Project process modeling;

Introduction of BR and ViP terms and concepts;

Creating an economic model of innovation;

WhitePaper v.2;

Negotiations with institutional investors.

Q2 2019

Extension of the BR concept;

Systems process modeling;

Introduction to IVO terms and concepts (Initial ViP Offer);

WhitePaper v.3;

Language localization (French, Spanish, Korean, German,

Italian, Japanese, Chinese, etc.)

Marketing, PR & advertising before the start of Token Sales;

Connect to key figures in the crypto world project;

Negotiations with institutional investors.

Q3 2019

ITO starting at 03.07.2019 13 13:15 UTC

BILC Price 1 = $ 1


Application for exchange

ITO Completion 30.09.2019 05:03 UTC or during the hard cup

Completing BILC Distribution

Listing Exchange

Q4 2019

Platform development, infrastructure, design, layout, MVP

Platform Integration with External Resources

BILLCRYPT starts trading exchanges

BILLCRYPT Development Economics

Q1 2020

Run the BRs test on the platform;

ViP Testing;

Increased market presence;

Q2 2020

Complex work on technical and economics

platform development;

BR & ViP test period

Q3 2020

launch all platform functions;

Launching BR with basic functions;

Launch of IVO (Initial ViP Offer);

Starting from the partnership project platform;

Start pre-sale closed partnership projects from the pool;

Q4 2020

Launch full featured BR;

Integration solution;

Start an open pre-sale partnership project;

Start the ICO partner project

2021 and later

Expanding platform capabilities;

BR & BILLCRYPT world expansion


The project team consists of fans and professionals who are confident in themselves

blockchain opportunities and prospects, and the cryptocurrency market, innovative economic development and modern financial technology.

The Billcrypt pl platform is involved in a professional development team, which is involved in developing a successful global brand platform.

Project founders and creators are entrepreneurs and financiers with experience in entrepreneurial and management activities, practices in creating and developing successful business projects, long-term practical skills in investing in the classical currency market and cryptocurrency.

The management team has a storehouse of professional competence and impressive mental resources to implement the plan. The team is led by an experienced investor with years of successful experience, the head of a group of private investors.

Evgeny Kulikov

Founder & CEO of BILLCRYPT

Head of the Rich-Invest Private Investor Group

Siarhei Lutsenka

Director of Business Development

Daniel Grieg


TECH Team Coordinator

Zahid Imran

Investment banker,


Representative in the UAE

We have chosen an extensive list of candidates for technical, legal, financial, marketing and other groups who are waiting to start working.

Some of them took part in the preparatory stage of the project formation.


Our project is actively developing, respectively, this Whitepaper version can be considered unfinished. This will be repaired and added. An updated version will be posted on the project site billcrypt.io on time

For more information, follow the link below:



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