[ICO - ITA] VANM, an ad network that rewards users


Hello Crypto Lovers, I wrote this article to introduce the VANM (Viral Advertising Network Mining - project, a local search engine for products and services that fits the demand and supply of local advertisements for nearby users. in real time. VANM uses blockchain technology to distribute advertising revenue among users. Let's analyze this extraordinary project in detail!


We are at a time when traditional digital advertising lost many benefits. Ads with pop-up notifications are largely ignored by consumers. Effective digital advertising is inaccessible and ineffective for small businesses to reach local user focus groups. In addition, the local retail market strengthened through e-commerce platform competition.

This trend limits local competition and has the potential to accelerate unemployment in a centralized market.

The solution:

Through the VANM ecosystem, users have access to search engines for local offers, events, and offers on demand, all in real time. Let's see what are the main features:

Subdivision of 50% of ad revenue among all users.
Local markets can claim customer awareness through targeted advertising below market costs.
Local markets are strengthened through greater customer awareness.
User data is given anonymously and is only evaluated with an agreement on appropriate remuneration.

There are 3 main players on the VANM platform. Let us analyze in detail.

The user. He receives advertisements that are in accordance with his interests from various local suppliers and a portion of the advertising revenue in the form of VANM tokens. The latter can be used to pay for goods and services on the platform.

Advertiser. This has the opportunity to place effective local advertisements at a reasonable cost. By receiving VANM tokens as a payment tool, suppliers can gain competitive advantage and load more content.

Social Media Artists. He can use his talent to build communities by creating advertisements for local sellers.

Why is the Blockchain?

The decentralization of advertising power will be based on VANM basic values:

This makes it possible to face reasonable expenses for local advertising, supporting the start of small businesses with high exposure to potential customers.
This gives everyone access to unlimited P2P (Peer To Peer) ad networks. Increase market awareness for previously unpublished business models.
This allows companies to benefit from smart algorithms that can connect potential customers' purchase models to their respective local tenders, while still respecting their privacy.
Give customers full credit for their exposure to personalized advertising while maintaining data privacy and integrity.
Report economic strength to the city where you live.

The NAVM team is developing a mobile application, for iOS and Android devices, which will be presented with the following interface.

The app's first functionality is Wallet to automatically receive ad mining awards and transfer tokens using QR Codes. On the home screen there will be uninterrupted local ad content, where users have a minimum number of important interfaces to search for features and advertisements. The layout of the interface buttons is simple and clean and consists of menus (Wallets etc.), specific information for advertisements and social hubs. The search radius for local ad content is predetermined by advertisers, but the user's location can be changed. Information buttons provide exact position data and special or limited offers.

It is possible to receive VANM tokens for goods and services and can be a unique proposal to attract new customers. Each ad must notify the user if a VANM token is received. The number of tokens received can be deducted from the total amount if the advertiser has set a time limit.

A social hub is a place where community members can interact, follow artist advertising, provide feedback, and share contacts with their friends. Sharing advertisements will be given incentives in addition to each individual advertising gift. Being able to follow artist advertising is the key to creating a special content creation community.

VANM Token:

VANM tokens are ERC20 tokens then on the blockchain Ethereum. The latter will function to transfer value in the network quickly, safely, and almost unpretentiously. A total of 240,000,000 VANM tokens were produced. With this amount it is possible to close the expected transaction volume. The token distribution is as follows:

Distribution of initial tokens has been designed in such a way that 60% of all tokens are sold directly to the community. The aim is to distribute tokens in the most decentralized way. It should be noted that the costs for the team (10%) will be blocked for two years in accordance with the smart contract. The presale phase will be closed on 12/30/2018 and public sales will start on 01/01/1999 and will last around 4 months. You can participate by connecting to the project website


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