Crypto Circle eXchange

Hello friends. I continue to tell you about the predetermined Crypto Circle project. You already know a lot about him. And we don't need to talk about its prospects. This project will sell all your cards.

Today we will talk specifically about CCX coins. Also we will try to understand why it is necessary.

CCX is a utility token designed to facilitate energy exchange in a microgrid Crypto Circle and between adjacent microgron Eloncity. CCX will have two main functions:

• A means of exchange - On networks Crypto Circle is used for energy exchange. Consumers earn CCX by providing excess energy to their online colleagues. Community members use to access local electrical services and CCX compliant products

• A valuable store - Each CCX compliant device needs to reserve enough equivalent to its electrical capacity value to participate in automatic exchange. That makes CCX a valuable store supported by the value of electricity. The value of each is determined by the total volume of energy transactions of the ecosystem and the velocity of the transactions. Due to the requirement for foreign exchange reserves, there is a limit to the Eloncity currency, creating value for and creating a stable token system.

CCX performs a number of important functions in addition to being an energy exchange environment in the community or in a renewable energy storage. Its most important and valuable role is to unify the exchange, which means linking energy consumers with solution providers in the field of energy resources to renew the general economy hierarchy. Communities and villages can use their CCX to access service options and select renewable energy services. The process of connecting solution providers to energy consumers will create a unique market for renewable energy sources, not limited to geographical separation, political boundaries, economic barriers. or any real or artificial barrier. As this market grows organically from a local community into a global market, the values ​​of CCX will increase significantly.

The coin has a very inefficient mining specification.

Before the market reaches the one-terawatts limit of the new crop, miners will receive 16 CCX as a reward for every megawatt of renewed renewable energy collected. The total amount of ECT remuneration does not change every time the new amount of renewable energy is doubled.

For example, after the first milestone in an hour, miners will receive eight CCX for each megawatt hour stored before the market reaches the turn of two terawatt hours. After the second milestone, miners will only receive four, before the market reaches four terawatts of renewable energy newly assembled. The remuneration plan continued until the total renewable energy was collected at 524,288 terawatt hours, nearly three times the total primary energy in 2012.

There is also an inetseny method: MINING BASED ON HALF-LIFE

The Fund chooses a half-life mechanism to stimulate investments compatible with CCX soon to store newly acquired renewable energy sources. It is hoped that accumulated renewable energy, compatible with EST, will double every three months. Since newly collected renewable energy is stored and doubled each time, the time required to reach the next important milestone to store renewable renewable energy will become longer. By the time the new renewable energy reserves of plants reached 50% of the total primary energy supply within a year, it was expected to have enough electricity on the market to balance renewable electricity with electricity demand. .

At some point in the future, the energy exchange of buildings and structures can be significantly reduced, because high energy becomes more popular due to the low cost of batteries. It is expected that future buildings will have more and more self-sufficient energy. The question at this point will be whether the volume remains high or not. An analysis of the Fund found that the exchange of energy due to an electric vehicle charging from inter-regional roaming will increase significantly and therefore, compensate for any reduction in building a volume. build energy exchange. As described in more detail in the White Paper, EV and the pathways will become another network for distributing renewable energy sources. It is expected that CCX will continue to play a decisive role as a means to exchange energy in the future.

I tried a lot to tell you about the features of the coin. Her quality does not end there. You can learn all the details yourself after reading the white paper of the project. Alternatively, you can read the technical documentation if you want. This project aims to last a long time. In its plan to create a global power distribution network. And the heart of all is the CCX token.



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