

When you wake up in the morning, which first do you do? I think the answer of most people will be: - "I go online". Almost all of us start our day with checking mail, messages in social networks, during the day we use mobile applications, visit online stores, and end our day browsing the news on the Internet. In today's world, you can not do without the Internet, do you consider the Internet everywhere? But this is far from the case.
On earth, there are more than 7.3 billion people, and so - almost half of them do not have the opportunity to access the network. According to the data of the International Telecommunication Union, these are mainly the regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the CIS countries, for the residents of these countries, the Internet is a big dream. The implementation of this dream can help DoveNetwork.
You ask what DoveNetwork can be useful in countries where there is no problem with access to the Internet? - the main advantage will be the increase in the efficiency of the network when it is overloaded, for example, during large-scale events with the need for Internet access (concerts, conferences, etc.). Also, solve the problem of insufficient Internet service in villages and rural areas.


DoveNetwork is a new peer-to-peer network for Internet exchange based on a blockbuster, using the Ethereum smart contract, to create a decentralized network of Internet service providers. All people who do not have access to wireless Internet today, Dove Network will give an opportunity to become its owner.


Advantages of the Dove network:
Connect to the Internet in a jiffy, at any location and at a convenient time for you;
More pleasant low cost of use;
Reduce the cost of roaming outside your country;
Get income from anywhere, buying and selling internet data;
Together, use the Internet with family, friends, colleagues, or give the Internet as a charity.




Buy Internet from the decentralized data market Dove is very easy and simple, just install the application on your mobile phone, tablet and choose the right tariff plan.
How will investors' funds be used:

The funds will primarily be used to create Dove Network applications and increase the total number of Internet providers to provide better global connectivity.

How the Dove Network works:


The objectives of the Dove Network team:
Make the Internet practical and affordable around the world;
Make the Internet high-quality to use;
To raise the world to a new economic level, due to the interaction of mankind on the whole planet;
Benefit for everyone. You pay only used data, what you did not need to use can be sold or donated.
Meet the Dove Network team


Dove Network can improve network efficiency during network congestion. For example, this technology can be useful during sports events, conferences, concerts and other closed environments with high density and high demand for connection to the Internet. The Dove network will also help to provide more convenient communication for rural areas of developed countries, which are traditionally under-served.

I invite you to join the Bounty campaign:
Twitter campaign 20%, Facebook campaign - 20%, signature campaign 25%, content creation - 10%, text translation - 5%, telegram- 5%, instagram- 15%.
To learn more about the activities of DoveNetwork and its product, you can visit their website
as well as social networks:



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